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Answers with Tag: Asr

Can we offer Asr salah at Shafi time with Jamah, without making it a habit?

What are some wazifah to do after salah?

Can I lead salah with frequent urine drops and how should I prepare for Hajj?

How long did the woman’s menses last on (5) and (6)? How long does istihaza stay?

Is my marriage still valid or are we islamically divorced after 6 years of separation?

Is Friday prayer compulsory during a 90-mile school trip?

If I see wetness after waking up from sleep do I have to make ghusl?

Is Mina part of Meccah?

Reading durud sharif 80 times after Asr on Friday

Loud Zikr after Fadh prayer with the intention of educating the people

Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute

Qurbani FAQ’S

How do I perform Salah on an aeroplane?

Why is it that during the Salaahs of Zuhr and Asr the Salaat is said quietly

1) What is the duration of each Salat’s time? Can each Salat be performed just before the next Salat’s time comes in? 2) I have a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), which is only accessible after 5 years. Dopes this attract Zakat?