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Answers with Tag: Alcohol

Lot of youth go to pubs and cinemas to watch football

Apalled at Muslims who consume alcohol, etc.

Please let me know if this is true? use an alcoholic perfume spray from some distance

Is it very haram to watch t.v and listen to music.

I emailed Listerine® to see if its ingredients are halal. Seems to be OK…please give fatwah.

Comsumption of alcohol is haraam, but are other products eg. lotions, shampoos, perfumes, medication, which contain alcohol?

What should be my conduct with my father’s younger brother under these circumstances? My uncle has been known to indulge in alcohol & other vices. His friends indulge in all these vices with him.

Helping in haram permitted

Q.1-In Shari’ah the cold creams and also some medicines that contain “Cetyl Alcohol” Or other types of Alcohol ( which are not madeup of dates & grapes) are Allowed to use or not?

How much interaction is allowed with the non-muslims in their states?

What is the judgement on working for as a cashier in a store like Walmart or kroger where it is almost impossible for a cashier to avoid holding a bottle or pack of alcohol inorder to scan it.

Can we use perfumes which are made up of SD (Special Denatured) Alcohol and can we offer salat using this type perfumes.

Is Ethanol or Ethyl Alcohol halal in Islam?

Salaam…question about ethyl alcohol

Nestle chocolates..contains ethyl alcohol.is it haram?