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Can you get an injection while fasting and what are the consequences?

Do my sisters have a right to claim a share in the house bought by my mother and given to me?

When could Imam Mehdi come and what will happen when he does?

How can I help my brother with severe ulcerative colitis and protect him from black magic?

Strength of Ijma-as-Sahabah compared to Hanafi hadith and required number of Sahabah?

What’s wrong with this group and why not join?

What should a girl do if her parents deny her request to wear hijab despite believing it is fardh?

Is there a dua to help me remember the Quran after completing its memorization?

Does becoming a hafizah mean taking 50 people to janat?

What is Harun Yahya’s concept that only Allah is real and everything else is an illusion?

How do halal mortgages work and are they acceptable to take out?

Can I perform Hajj with a mortgage and my family?

Should I prioritize paying off my haram mortgage or performing Hajj this year?

Ruling for a woman clean after traveling 48+ miles during menstruation?

How can a Muslim convert in the UK maintain their faith and avoid persecution at work?