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I borrowed R20 000 from my sister to help somebody. The person was in a financial situation and as a result could not make timeous payments …

I stay in new jersey, USA.. I work in a gas station from 2pm to 12am so there is a problem for me for the asar and magrib prayers as there is no break in between at all..

It was said that one of the sahabies did not get their menses? and is there any wazeefa to read to stop excessive bleeding (menses)

What is the Sunnah way of moving into a new home for the first time?..A learned friend of mine said that some Ulema is of the oppinion that it is not sinfull to with-hold some of your income ?…Is coppying software and cd’s which are coppyrighted a major sin (tantamount to stealing)?

Does a woman travel alone more than 52 miles (the distance at which NAMAZ is KASAR

My husband doesnt want to have another child, we have one son he is 6 yrs if i tell him for another child he say no, he says we have age difference iam 27 and he is 42, and he will get old until the child is grown and he dont want to put the burden on me, i tried to convince him a lot but he doesnt agree.

Why God gives us pain. As per islam, he is most merciful, then all our sins should be forgivable ?

We are in a very difficult position in Cambridge University Islamic Society. Shias came into our Islamic Society (Isoc) last year

We are living in Saudi Arabia, and followers of Hanafi Madhab. When we are traveling to other cities or even in the same city, we have to pray Namaaz in road side Masjid, should women pray behind the Imaam or they should pray separately?

I have this bad habit while travelling I use to read sign boards even with out realising what I am reading. Is this reading will effect our Iman.

Can you please tell me how a muslim girl is allowed to tie her hair…And is a women allowed to wear sandals outside the house when her cloak falls below her ankles.Thank You.May Allah reward you well.

I am Ubed Shipra from India. I am working in a Stock Broking Firm, so Mufti Saheb could you tell me whether it is advisable to work or not in the light of Islam.

As we all know masturbation both for men and women is not permissible and haraa

CAN a poor person pay goverment taxes from profit money from bank or not?

I asked a girl if she wanted to marry me . We are both muslim and she said yes but.