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Family Relationship.

Property Distribution according to shariah when son’s contributed on it as well.

If a person unintentionally eats haraam.

Janazah for the drowned person where there is no hope of recovery.

What makes Islamic jurisprudence different from other forms of jurisprudence

Can I wear a colorful hijab during Umrah?

Triple Divorce in Islam .

Am i a Musafir?

Do I still need to sit in iddah even when I’ve been separated from my husband since 6 months?

Is a civil registry wedding accepted in Islam?

How do you perform sajda sahwa?

Is seeing the private parts of the opposite gender with lust in a digital photo establish the ruling of hurmat musahara?

Is putting gravestones on the grave permissible?

What is the ruling on giving “Salaam” when entering the Masjid main prayer hall?

A woman is financially fine but has no mahram. Can someone do Hajj for her?