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A woman if she is wealthy by her own and parental means, and If her husband is in debts and earning quite less, can she give zakat to her husband?.

I was not able to do aqeeqa of my children, how can I do it now?

Regarding the proceeds, doesn’t the money have to be in your possession for a year before it is zakaatable

Grooming eyebrow; invalidation of Wudhu

Does deodorant spray going through throat break fast?

Can I take out an interest bearing loan?

Aslam-u-Alyqum, i am an employee, during wadhu if not washing  the legs due to not possible to emove the shoes then what to do? Any different kind of idea to solve this issue? Please reply soon….

Jumma Khutba and Salah before Zawal

Are Ganja, Marijuana and other drugs permissible?

One Imam leading two jummahs

Can I work as an auditor in a bank?

I have gone on to commit zina again

Doe’s a Shafi’ee Imam have to make Niyyat for Hanafi Muqatadee’s?

Can I pay my Zakaat money to my debtor?

1. Is insurance Halaal? 2. What is the ruling on medical aid and hospital plan? 3. What can interest be used for?