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Forbidding one’s wife from working…

Hurting/Killing another Muslim when be attacked yourself

Embalming And Moving A Body After Death   

Menstruating women coming to classes in a masjid

Decision to Wear Hijab

Rings on which finger?

Giving Plaza a Percentage of One’s Sales?

Raising One’s Voice in Prayer

Someone else taking interest loan for us against our will

Trophies as Tokens of Accomplishment for Sports

Is it superior to pray Isha at its time or praying close to Fajr time with Tahajjud?

Is kohl considered a preventative to letting water touch the skin during wudu?

Making Claims on One’s Car Insurance

Fiqh of Masjid & Musalla 

Why don’t Hanafis raise their hands when going into ruku or raising their heads from ruku`?