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Is There a Kaffara For Cheating On an Exam?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Seekersguidance.org

Question: Assalamu ‘alaykum. My friend copied on a test. He is regretting it. What can he do as kaffara or any means to purify himself from that?


Wa ‘alaykum assalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

I pray you are well.

The only way to expiate this is to make a tawba. This would entail remorse, stopping the sin, and resolving to not do it again.

He should ask Allah to forgive him, and resolve to be honest in his words and deeds. Habib ‘Umar notes in his excellent work, the Clarification of Noble Character, the always speaking the truth and being honest in one’s dealing leads on to be characterized by truthfulness, which has a direct impact on one’s iman and deeds. Those who continue this can end up as the Siddiqin, the highest category of saints.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, ”Indeed Truthfulness (sidq) leads to all forms of righteousness (birr), and that, in turn, leads to the Garden. A man keep telling the truth until he is decreed to be a Siddiq in the sight of Allah.” [Bukhari]

This is the lesson he should take from this. May Allah imbue us with the color of this beautiful trait. Amin
[Shaykh] Abdul-Rahim Reasat

Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

This answer was collected from Seekersguidance.org. It’s an online learning platform overseen by Sheikh Faraz Rabbani. All courses are free. They also have in-person classes in Canada.

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