Assalamu alaikum,
1) All scholars have no dispute about the point that it is prohibited for Muslim females (including pregnant women) to frequently visit the cemetery. This is due to the authentic Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) who said : ” May Allah curse the women who are frequently visiting the cemetery ” (Authentic, Tirmithi).
But if the visit is not frequent , most scholars say it is Makrouh ( disliked action ).
* If old female visit the grave to remember death and soften without crying there is no harm. However, It is Makrooh for young women to do so. (Shaami vol. 1 p. 665 – Maajidiyya)
2) Dua’s that can be read.
Below is an extract from Talimul Haq:
*There are many supplications that may be read at the grave side, the best being the recital of the Holy Quraan. Stand facing the grave (back towards the Qiblah) and recite as much of the Quraan as possible and make Dua for the Maghfirat (forgiveness) of the departed. A few ways of praying for the dead, as related in the AHAADEES, are given hereafter;
Recite Sura IKHLAAS 11 times.
It is related in a Hadith that whoever visits the Qabrastaan and recites Surah IKHLAAS 11 times and then prayed for the dead, will be rewarded as many fold as the number of dead in the Qabrastaan.
It has been reported in a Hadith that whoever visits the Qabrastaan and recites Surahs:
ALHAMDU QULHUWALLAH and ALHAKUMUT TAKAASUR and then prays for the dead, the people of the grave will also ask Allah for such a person’s forgiveness.
Recite Surah YASEEN . In a Hadith it is reported that if a person recites Surah YASEEN in the Qabrastaan, the punishment of the dead will be eased and the reciter will be rewarded just as much as the dead.
In this manner the Sahaabah of Rasulullah visited the Qabrastaan. The words in the Hadith indicate only salutations and Duas for the dead and remembering death. All other ways such as placing wreaths, flowers, paying homage etc. are INCORRECT according to the SHARI’AT. One should thus, abstain from acting wrongly.
And Allah Taa`la Knows Best.
————————————– Moulana Qamruz Zaman London, UK