Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Jamia Binoria » Is it correct to perform Salat-ul-Tasbeeh with one person reciting loudly and others reciting softly? Is this valid salah?

Is it correct to perform Salat-ul-Tasbeeh with one person reciting loudly and others reciting softly? Is this valid salah?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Jamia Binoria
Here, the women gather together and perform Salat-ul-Tasbeeh (congregationally). One of them would recite loudly and the others would recite softly. Is this correct? Furthermore, will Salah be valid?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

It is not correct as per Shari’ah to perform Salat-ul-Tasbeeh in the mention method. Furthermore, performing Nafl Salah congregationally and the Salah lead by a woman are both Makruh Tahreem and must be avoided.

This Q&A was indexed from the official english fatwa portal of Jamia Binoria. It is an Islamic educational institute in Karachi, Pakistan.

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