(Fatwa: 105/105/M=1434)
In the question mentioned above, the property of deceased brother shall be divided into 168 shares according to Shariah. Out of which 21 shares i.e. 62500 shall go to his wife, 28 shares i.e. 83333.333 to his mother, 34 shares i.e. 101190.48 to each son and 17 shares i.e. 50595.238 to each daughter. His brothers shall get nothing in this case. The detail of division is as follows:
Wife: 1×21 = 21 (62500)
Mother: 1×28 = 28 (83333.333)
Sons: 2×34 = 68 (202380.96)
Daughters: 3×17 = 51 (151785.71)
Total: 168 (500000)
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband