My younger Nephew & Niece are young and on the age of marriage, my family has seen some boys in other family location 30 K.Ms away one is doing job and other is student. One boy is my Mama’s son (cousion) and other is my Cousion son. Now both of them has refused to say yes or no for marriage. But learnt that one who is doing job has engaged with some other one. My question is that either we have continue our family terms or we cut off the family terms or wait till the 2nd relative may give us any answer. Thanks
(Fatwa: 76/81=B/1429)
When they are seemingly not ready to accept the proposal, you should look for match in some other family. There is no need to sever the family relations. They are not bound to accept the offer. You should think that, as per destiny, the boy was not match for your daughter.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband