I trust on My Allah and Rasool Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam . Allah has been very Kind on Me and my Family. I am Employed and do 5 times namaz but most will be Qaza, Am worried on that part that most are qaza.While doing Salaah, all Duniya Khayalat/other things comes to mind and not able to concentrate. I want to do Namaz on time without fail but not able to and also do namaz with full concentration. I Earn good salary but no barkath, always health and other issues at home.There is no Sukuun in our life. My recitation. Before leaving home and entering home i recite Ayat ul Kursi. After my Namaz i read Surah Fatiha, Surah Iklas, Surah Falaq, Surah Naas, Ayat ul Kursi and Durood Ibrahim (All 3 times) and then make Dua and after that will recite Surah Iklas 11 times, Ayat Ul Kursi 3 times , Kalima ( NO count on that ) and Durood Ibrahim 7 times and then go to Sleep. Please Guide me in doing My namaz and Zikr by heart.
(Fatwa: 1226/766/H=1432)
Missing salah, rather laziness in salah, unlawful gaze and distrust cause the khushu (dedication) of salah to vanish. Keep yourself away from these sins, then you shall feel satisfaction, pleasure and peace of mind by Zikr, Tilawah in your worship.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband