I have 2 questions. (1) I am working in Police Department and some time I am posted on temple duty and the temple person give the food for continuation of duty. Some times I do not have any other option to eat the food like lunch and dinner. (2) Working in banking sector for the purpose of getting salary that will be haram or halal?
(Fatwa: 1800/1800/M=1432)
(1) If it is known by research or you are sure that the food is not of Puja as well as it does not contain any haram and impure things then you may eat it, otherwise you should avoid it.
(2) The job of bank in which one has to write and involve in interest based dealings is unlawful and the income earned thereof is haram as well.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband