I’m suffering from a disease wherein Nasal passage gets blocked causing difficulty in breathing. To tide over the problem, I need to pour nasal decongestant in my nose every 2-3 hours. I enquired from a mufti and also from many Aalim about the pouring in of nasal dropm while Ramzan fasting. Everybody advise me to stay away from the practice as it is forbidden and may cause break in roza. The problem is that after getting this treated in various systems of medicine, I could not get a perfect treatment. The temporary solution is only to pour nasal drop.Without which I find it extremely difficult to breath. Ultimately I need to pour nasal drop in my blocked nose. I’m in dilemma if pouring nasal drop during Ramzan fast is forbidden what would happen to my past rozas’; I’m still can not do without nasal decongenstant during this ramzan roza also. Please clearly advise me wheter pouring medicine in nose under my circumstance is strictly forbidden. What else should i do ? Is not there any exemption for my type people who need to pour nasal decongestant in 2-3hrs. interval frequently.
(Fatwa: 1262/161=L /1429)
This is the ruling that fast will be broken if medicine is dropped into the nose. If dropping medicine in the nose is essential, you should not leave the fast and make up the fast when you feel comfortable.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband