I am a Civil engineer by profession. I am married for 4 years and Alhamdulillah, I have a one year old little son. I am a Sunni Muslim (Hanafi) from India, working in UAE and I have my family here with me in UAE. This happened few days ago, I and my wife had a verbal fight, we both raised voices and in much anger my wife uttered these words (I am divorcing (talaq) in one sitting and the words were repeated three times). Sir, this happened without any intention and without any pre plan. She was not able to control her anger. After some time we told sorry to each other and now we are living together peacefully. I kindly request you to clear my issue. What is the Shariah ruling if wife says talaq 3 times to a husband?
(Fatwa: 780/660/B=1433)
According to Shariah, the right of divorce is only for male i.e. husband. He can give talaq. Wife has no right to give talaq. If a wife divorces her husband it shall be considered null and void. Hence in the question mentioned above no talaq took place on your wife. The nikah of both of you is still intact.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband