I would like to know one question regarding Qurbani. I read in Siratun Nabi written by M. Suleman Nadwi RA that Qurbani is wajib for rich people only at the place of hajj, and one who is not present at the time of hajj Qurbani is masnoon for him. Can u please clarify me in detail?
(Fatwa: 136/75/L=1433)
Your question is not clear. If you mean that whether the Qurbani of Eid Azha is necessary for a Haji as well, then its detail is that if Haji stays in Makkah up to 10 Zul Hijjah as muqim then the Qurbani of Eid al-Azha shall be wajib on him provided he is sahib-e-nisab. However, he shall be free to get Qurbani done in Makkah or at his native place.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband