Is abortion of fetus allowed for women before 120 days if she scare for her body that will get illness of mind or another illness? Dear Scholar my wife has has born four children continuously and the last one is 9 month old. some times when the children cry she get nervous and beat this small boy and she become displeased from her life so in this case can she abort her fetus or not?. hope answer this question as soon as possible because that she won’t miss the time of abortion. Jazakumllah khara
(Fatwa: 1321/1061=L=1430)
The reason you mentioned to abort the child is not enough. It is written: If a woman is not able to look after child due to mental illness or physical disabilities, then also it is not allowed to use any contraceptive method; since managing nurture of the child should be born by father. (Hashiyah Nizamul Fatwa 1:379)
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband