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Is it permissible to do the above?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
Kindly respond with rulings, as regards to the following queries. 1) If a Husband and wife are offering “SALAH” in a same room at the same time. Whether it is admissible, that wife stands adjacent to husband at “HYAHALLAL-FALAH” to husband, at two steps backward. 2) Whether “WIPING OF BACK SIDE OF NECK(MASSAH)” is “Biddah” while performing Ablution (WADU). 3) Ruling regarding “Shab-e-Barath” , is it not “Biddah”?. 4) Whether one can recite (a) Dua-e-Noor, (b) Dua-e-Ganjul-Arsh,(c ) Dua-e-Jameela,and (d) Khadd-e-Mouzzam. (5)Whether One can offer Supplications (Dua) in front of Janaza after Namaz-e- Janaza, is it not Biddah, as janaza Prayer itself is a Dua. (6) What is the ruling and procedure in offering Dua inside a Burrial Ground. Whether one can offer “Dua” by lifting hands as in normal “Dua”.


(Fatwa: 1041/1041/M=1432)

(1) If you want to ask about the standing position of your wife in case of offering salah with husband with jamah, then the ruling is that the wife would stand behind husband not beside him.
(2) No, rather it is mustahab.
(3) No, the night of Bara’at is a blessed night, how can it be a bidah (innovation)? Yes, the nonsense that is done in this night is bid’ah.
(4) There is no proof of these duas.
(5) Janazah Salah itself is a dua for the dead, hence there is no proof of dua just after it.
(6) Dua may be asked by raising hands for the dead ones but it is better to supplicate without raising hands at places where one fears that the common people would think that he is asking from the dead.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.

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