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How should the money be divided Islamically between the surviving wife, two sons, and six/seven daughters?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
.I have 2 questions please do not put my name and e-mail address on the internet. QUESTION:A man dies leaving nine thousand dollars to be divided between his surviving wife,2 sons,and 7 daughters.The surviving wife is the mother of all the children.How should this money be divided Islamically? QUESTION:A man dies leaving ten thousand dollars to be divided between his surviving wife,2 sons and six daughters.The surviving wife is the mother of all the children.How shoul this money be divided Islamically?


(Fatwa: 465/421=D)

(1) If the parents of the dead are no more and at the time of his death he left back one wife, two sons and seven daughters, then first of all the debts of the dead will be paid if he had any, second the mehr (dower) of the wife will be given in case it was not given by her husband. Thirdly, if the dead left any will then his will shall be implemented. After paying all these rights preceding inheritance, all the property of the dead will be distributed in 88 parts from which 11 parts will go to the wife, 14 parts to each son and 7 parts to each daughter. In case, 9000 USD is left after paying all rights preceding inheritance, then the wife will get 1125 USD, each son will get 1431.815 USD while each daughter will receive 715.91 USD.

(2) If the parents of the dead are already died and the dead left one wife, two sons and six daughters, then after paying all rights preceding inheritance, the property of the dead will be distributed in 80 parts out of which 10 parts will be given to his wife, 14 parts to his each son and 7 parts to his each daughter. In case, 10000 USD is left after paying all rights preceding inheritance, then out of this amount the wife will get 1250 USD, each son will get 1750 USD and each daughter will get 875 USD.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.

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