regarding going jamat for 40 days or 4 months.
In maariful quran, mufti shafi RA under surah isra verse 23, he says that if parents do not give you permission to go for dawah or tabligh, then you cannot go as its not fardh ayn but fardh kifaya and you have to obey them.
also so imam ghazli says in the ihya that you do not have the right to travel for a mubah or nafl reason without the permission of your parents.?
Imam muhammad mawlud in his book the right of parents, he says that you have to obey your parents in things which are permissible but not fardh or sunnah muakidah.
also i have read that the prophet s.a.w did not allow a sahabi to go out in jihad as his parents were alive and he told him to go look after them (nearest meaning)
my question is as going out in jamat is not fardh but mubah, if parents dont allow you to go on jamat for 40 days or 4 months, and you go and disobey them, will this be regarded as uquq and a major sin. what if they are upset that you go, will this be worse if you go?
even if parents dont need your service, it seems that if they get upset or angry that you go, then as its haram to make them upset or angry you cannot go?
could you clarify if my interpretation of this is correct?
The previous question i asked about about sayyiduna thalab hatib and the fabricated story and the answer was amazing, may aalah accept this website and put barakah in it
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Islam teaches us to have the highest amount of respect for our parents. Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’an:
ان اشكر لي ولوالديك…الاية
Be grateful to me, and to your parents. 31:14
It is clear from the above ayah that the status of parents in the eyes of Shariah is directly after the rights of Allah. To please the parents and keep them happy is a virtuous deed while disobeying them or causing them any discomfort is a grave sin.
Therefore, one should try his utmost in pleasing his parents and keeping them happy.
Going out in tabligh jamaat is not fardh a’yn, however learning the basics of Deen is fardh a’yn[1] whether this be achieved by attending classes with a local scholar, madrassa, or going out in tabligh.
The issue of going out in tabligh jamaat without the approval of one’s parents will depend on the person’s situation. If one’s parents are weak and are in need of the services of their son and no one else is present to look after them, then it will not be appropriate for the son to leave the parents and go in tabligh jamaat.
However, if the parents are not weak but are preventing the son from participating in tabligh jamaat due to them not having the importance of Deen, but in worldly affairs they would approve of him going for few days, then he will not be considered disobeying them if he goes out in jamaat, provided he does not have the basic understanding of Deen. In this situation it will be permissible for him to go in tabligh jamaat without his parent’s approval[2].
Whatever the case may by, it is best that one first gain his parents approval before doing any action. One should always be soft and gentle with the parents. One should always have the zeal to make khidmah of their parents and strive to win their approval before doing any actions. With wisdom one should try to explain to the parents of the importance of Deen if they are not inclined towards Deen.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Abdullah Ghadai
Student Darul Iftaa
Michigan, U.S.A
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] فتاویٖ محموديہ جلد ۴ ص۲۵۴
[2] الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (6/ 408)
وله الخروج لطلب العلم الشرعي بلا إذن والديه لو ملتحيا