1. Umayya is derived from the root word Umm which means mother. Umayya is an expression of true motherhood.
2. At the outset, it is important to point out that it is our belief that all good is from Allah Alone. He Alone knows what is good for us. Often we desire something but in the knowledge of Allah, it may not be good for us. Probably, our experience of desiring things in the past should teach us that lesson. Often we regret what we desired for. Nevertheless, as human beings, if we desire something lawful with our limited insight, then make Du’aa to Allah Ta’ala for that to be fulfilled. It is desirable to even say, ?Oh Allah, if you know that wish is good for me?. The basic principle for Du’aas to be accepted is, a) Earn a Halaal income, b) Place trust in Allah and ask with confidence that Allah is All-Hearing and will accept the Du’aa, c) Praise and glorify Allah before the Du’aa, d) Recite Durood when commencing and ending the Du’aa.
May Allah Ta’ala grant you from His infinite treasures, Aameen.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai