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How does one change his name? About Dajjal and do the babies of kafirs go to jannah?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1) I?d like to know how it is, a Muslim person can change his full name (not legally but) in the eyes of Allah according to sharia. I have a Muslim name but I wish to keep a sahabi’s name and my parents have given me permission to change it, if possible. 2) I?d like to know if Dajjal (anti-christ) is currently alive right now, hiding in a secret cave, or if he will be born into this world. Also I?ve heard something to the effect that there are more than a 70 different types of dajjal and a person will meet many of them before he dies. Is this true? 3) Do the babies of non-Muslim parents go to jannah when they die? I?ve heard that they have to take a certain test after they die, where a fire is lit in front of them and only the ones that are willing to jump in will go to jannah. It’s a test to see whether they were willing to go through pain for Islam if they were on earth. Is this true?


1. It is permissible to change your name even if you already have a Muslim name. (Ahsanul Fataawa vol.8 pg.175)

2. Dajjaal is currently alive and present in the world on an island. However, Allah is hiding the Dajjaal from our view until he wishes to let Dajjaal free. Tameem Daari (RA), with a group of Sahaaba met him. (Mishkaat pg.476; Qadeemi). There is one main Dajjaal who is the famous one. The Ahaadith mention many other minor Dajjaals (liars) who will appear throughout the ages.

3. There exist difference of opinion concerning the fate of the children of the Kuffaar, some say they are in Jannah, others say Jahannum, while others hold other views. The preferred view is that we hold back from giving an opinion and rather say that Allah knows best. (Tanzimul Ashtaat vol.1 pg.89)

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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