Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » I need advice on which college to go to? I am confused, if I don’t go to college Y, they will talk bad about us. Should I listen to my uncle an go to college Y even though I don’t want to go there?

I need advice on which college to go to? I am confused, if I don’t go to college Y, they will talk bad about us. Should I listen to my uncle an go to college Y even though I don’t want to go there?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

college X, but my brother doesn’t want me to go there for some reason I don’t know. Also my uncle (my dad’s older brother) says that college X is not a good college instead I should go to college Y. but college Y is really far and I do not want to go there. My uncle did something for us in the past which they think we should be very grateful for and that’s why they expect us to listen to them in every thing they say. So I am confused, if I don’t go to college Y, they will talk bad about us and say things to my mom which will just worry her. Should I listen to my uncle and go to college Y. even though I don’t want to go there? Please help and give advice.


At the outset, we wish to state that the environment in colleges and universities are very un-Islamic. A student in college or university is faced with many things risking his Imaan and character and Islamic ideals. Many people place their education and the possible benefits of education in front of them against the genuine harms and evils of the un-Islamic environment at colleges and universities. Should you be in that situation, you should reconsider your intention to study at the college and, especially if you are a female, your brother has warned you of the college X.

Surely, college Y will be similar to college X in terms of the un-Islamic environment. In brief, the question should not be of which college you should choose, it is a question of whether you should ever go to college to study or not.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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