A -There is any Dua to concentrate on my studies as I have exams on october,B- I heard that mullah omar had a dream(istakara) about afhgan-US war ,if you know you can please interpretate his dream,C- I also heard that Neil Amstrong the first man on the moon has accepted Islam is it true or fasle.. D- How long a husband can stay away from his wife Allah hafiz make Dua for my good marks in exam’s
1. Recite ‘Rabb inniy maghloobun fantasir’ as much as possible.
2. We have no knowledge of Neil Armstrong having accepted Islam.
3. Q: How long can a married person stay away from his wife?
A: A married person may stay away from his wife for whatever period that was
mutually agreed upon. However, if the wife is not happy regarding the
husband staying away, then the husband should meet his wife at least once
every four months. (Fataawa Nizamiya vol. 1 pg. 250)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai