Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » What if she is in her home and while guests come she is in her kitchen cooking without niqab on, non-mahram men pass through the kitchen. Can she serve food to non mahram male guests without a niqab?

What if she is in her home and while guests come she is in her kitchen cooking without niqab on, non-mahram men pass through the kitchen. Can she serve food to non mahram male guests without a niqab?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1) You mentioned how it is compulsory for muslim women to wear niqab in front of non mahram men. What if she is in her home and while guests come she is in her kitchen cooking without niqab on and non maharm men pass through the kitchen. Does she have to wear it then? Can she serve food to non mahram male guests without a niqab? Although she believes that strict segregation between men and women should be observed, she comes from a family (like many families) who are not so careful in making sure that noin mahram men do not enter the places in the house that women are in. What should she do? Is it fard to cover the hands and feet as well, in public or in front of non mahram men at home? 2.) It is known it is haram for muslim women to wear the bindis on the forehead like mushrik women, but is a woman allowed to wear decorative patterns around her eyebrows (not in middle of forehead) for the purpose of beautifying herself for her husband? 3.) During tashahud in salah when one forms a ring with the thumb and middle finger, must this ring be maintained even after the index finger has been lowered and throughout darood sharif until salam? Must the raised finger be straight or slightly bent?


1. It is compulsory for a woman to cover her face in the presence of Ghayr Mahrams (not prohibited in marriage) males even if they are guests at her home. It is not permissible for her to serve food to such guests without her Niqaab. If she is aware of the nature of her guests, she should wear her Niqaab in the kitchen or any place in the house where the Ghayr Mahram guests may come. It is not necessary for a female to cover her hands and feet. She may do so if she wish to exercise more precaution.

2. It is permissible.

3. The ring should be maintained until the Salaam.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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