Home » 2019 » November (Page 45)

Monthly Archives: November 2019

Do babies have to perform Umra?


What is the minimum Tuhr period between two Haidh

Can I appoint another person to perform Qurbani on my behalf?

How to perform Ghusl of Janabah

Husband conducted a secret Nikaah and abandoned the wife

Giving zakat money for a feeding scheme

How do i pay zakat on my 4 cars and 3 plots

I decided to divorce you if you enrol for a masters program

Can I author a book that depicts the Sahabah as superheroes?

Sexual relations with my step mother

Is it mandatory for a breastfeeding woman to fast in Ramadan?

Would an invalid marriage by secular law nullify an Islamic marriage?

A conditional nadhr (vow) that one does not want to occur

Organic Fresh Mehndi