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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Is eating tobacco in any form like gutkha, mava, paan Cigarette, etc permissible in Islam?

Is it necessary to be in the state of Wudhu before sleeping? Accepting payment through credit cards which are not allowed.

There is a company who is selling pork and also Halal meat. Is it permissible to eat their halal meat?

Calculating long due zakat

A wife and husband had a dispute and she left the house saying i am going out as i do not want to escalate the situation, her husband called her back in and said is that what you want? For me to say fine talaq talaq talaq. She cried out no and reconciled thereafter. Will talaq take place if no one had any intention for divorce and to emphasise the situation? As the condition was based on the wife? A wife asked her husband does he not think divorce is best for them, the husband states if that is what you want talaq talaq talaq, then they made up, will talaq take place as the questions asked above? But no intention of separating from either parties was present.

Reference of a Hadith

Hunting and fishing in Ramadan.

Does the statement “Oh Allah if You have Mercy, I will become a divorcee” constitute divorce?

Leading Taraweeh with impermissible haircut

Explanation of the Sab’ah Qirā’āt

What’s the best answer to “where is Allah”? Is the tablīghī jamā`at a work of deception?

My wife wants me to relocate to her hometown, but I have aging parents so what should I do?

Working in a company which directly or indirectly relates to anything impermissible

Impermissibility of Raqs

Is our Imam Mahdi the same person the Shias refer to as Imam Mahdi?