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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Would it be fardh to take a Ghusl?

Is it permissible to make Hijrah from my country (Uzbekistan) to UK, which provides more rights to Muslims than my own Country?

Advise on opening a business without being involved in interest

As a revert, with children and being completely dependent on the evil non-Muslim father of my children, what should I do?

Is it permissible to make money by posting advertising links on http://www.telexfree.com/?

Did I divorce my wife?

Is Sajdah tilawah compulsory upon a person who hears the ayah of sajdah over the CD, Mobile?

Can I use medication for hair growth

Do Muslims worship the Ka’bah and why do we stone the Shaitan in Hajj?

How do I pay zakat on my crops?

1. While making tawaaf if a person needs to take a rest due to health reasons, can he move aside and take rest till he regains his strength and then complete the remaining circuits from the point he left? While moving aside to take a rest his chest will face Ka’bah. Will this be permissible? Please advice.    2. Will the above be allowed in the Saee?

Careless Husband

I want to marry this boy who has abandoned talking to me. What should I do?

Do i have to perform Wudhu or Ghusl?

Distribution of my mother’s property according to Shariah