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Answers indexed from: Hanafi Fiqh

Visiting and Sending Gifts to Sister Whose Child Was Born Out of Wedlock

The Reward For Good Husbands and Fathers

Uncertainty With Marriage Proposal

Tablets with Gelatin

I have a question concerning hijab when leaving the home in hostile places. I reside in the US, and where I live is a place ( US State) where there are a lot of fundamentalist Christians that hate Islam and Muslims. Most of the time, I have to go out alone because of the type of work my husband does, and I don’t have any Muslim relatives. I have been wrapping my scarf or wearing a hat and dressing modestly. I cover everything except my ears, face, and hands. I dress in a way that doesn’t traditionally point out the fact that I am Muslim. I don’t know if this is ok under my circumstances. I need some insight on this matter. Also, I cover this way with my husband. There are radical groups here that are capable of hurting whole families. We are unable to relocate, even if we move a couple states away we have the same problem. This section of the US, where we live, is known as very racist and the major states in which fundamentalist Christians reside. Moving further North or out West is economically impossible for us.

Son marries daughter-in-law: incest?

Supermarket Zabiha?

Silence Between Eid Prayer and Eid Khutbah

In this society, young kids (15-18) are looked down upon for wanting to get married. They have to be doctors and 30 years old to get married. I was wondering, since youth have a very big test, can we go to a girl that and accept her as our “slave” (with her permission) and have secret intercourse with her without telling anyone?

1. I just wanted to make sure. It says that it is haram to shake hands unless necessary. Can you please give me an example of necessary? Is a job interview considered such? 2. In the hidayah, on the section of looking at awrah, it says that for darurah a woman can show her arm and part of her her and that men can shake the hand of women (it may have said older woman). Excuse me if this is wrong as I dont have a copy of the book and I had read this about 8 months ago. Is this the correct position for tha hanafis?

Regarding divorce: Is unhappiness, change of heart (feelings towards ur spouse), and incompatibility with one another a valid Islamic reason for divorce? We have tried many times to stay together but neither one of us are happy. I have talked to many Alimas, Maulanas, shiekhs, etc…and at first, they told us to try and see what happens. That was 5 months ago and both of us are unhappy with one another. Can we have a divorce?

Shaking Hands With the Opposite Sex & The Importance Of Holding On To One’s Deen

Raising One’s Voice in Prayer

Secret Marriage and Pre-Marital Interaction

Raising of The Hands in Salah