Home » Hanafi Fiqh (Page 5)

Answers indexed from: Hanafi Fiqh

Doubts About Justifying Kufr (Disbelief)

Is Shellac Ḥalāl Suitable?

Resolving a Mahr Dispute

Dealing with Relatives who Have a Surrogate Baby

Masturbation and Doubts Regarding Purity

Is it Islamicaly OK to Charge Rescheduling Fees to Clients?

Can a Muslim Female Work as an Optometrist?

What is the Islamic Status for Dental Composite Bonding and Veneers? Mathabah.org

Does Declining the Sunnah Result in Kufr (Disbelief)

Trouble Understanding Destiny and Life’s Difficulties

Suffering with Doubts About Purity

Selling my Guitar and Donating the Amount in Charity

Will the Devil be Punished for His Sin?

Shaving the Hair in Second ‘Umrah of the Same Trip

Separated and Husband Promised to Divorce, is This Ṭalāq?