Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftisays.com (Page 46)

Answers indexed from: Muftisays.com

How to submit a private question?

What to do if a woman committed Zinaa with a now-married person?

Are premium bonds and their earnings halal?

Are premium bonds or shares allowed for purchase?

What is the Islamic ruling on pregnant women fasting and will they receive extra reward?

Is it allowed for pregnant women to visit a friend’s grave according to the Quran and Sunnah?

Can a pregnant woman’s haraam act of watching TV affect her unborn child?

Can we pray from the Quran before Ghusl for a deceased person in hospital or at home?

What should I do if the doctor suggests removing my baby after a missed miscarriage diagnosis?

Can you pray from the Quran at a deceased person’s house?

Wudu required for Quran prayer on Darul Uloom Bury’s website?

What do Awliya do after death in graves?

Do I need to repeat my prayer if I unknowingly prayed behind a Qadiyani twice?

Can I pray and listen to Salafi brothers in college prayer room?

Why do Saudis place hands on chest during salaat while others put them on waist?