Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftisays.com (Page 44)

Answers indexed from: Muftisays.com

Why did the Prophet eat whale meat and why did the Companions eat it until they gained weight?

Does lifting left knee during Sajdah invalidate Namaz?

What is your perspective on Qasida Burdha?

Do we need to perform sunnats during qasr namaaz or only the fardh rakaats?

Can I pray qadha namaazes instead of sunnat e muakkadah while traveling in jamaat?

What is predestination (qadr) and what does Quran and Hadith say about it?

What should I do if I have to keep 40 more fasts before the next Eid?

Is wudhu valid if someone urinates in the nearby urinal?

Can I leave the house within 20 minutes of urinating and is tissue touching private part impure?

Malik & Abu Hanifah: Accurate positions on second wife and divorce?

Do Americans in Saudi Arabia get special treatment for breaking Islamic laws?

Can I buy or sell Travel Insurance?

Minimum hijab requirement in front of non-practicing family?

What are the signs and responsibilities of being Baaligh?

Can men use electric shavers for pubic hair instead of razor blades?