Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftisays.com (Page 23)

Answers indexed from: Muftisays.com

What should be covered with hijab and is face covering obligatory in shariyah?

How many fardh acts are there during Hajj?

What is the fatwah regarding the Danish paper’s cartoon of Prophet Muhammad?

Is it allowed to pray Fajr in sleeping clothes?

What makes something Haram and should one take the safe side if there is no clear verse in Quran?

Why were the 4 Immams appointed and can we follow all their teachings?

Is seeking a Shaykh necessary for Tazkiyatun Nafs and is it a sin to not do so?

Does getting teeth extracted during fasting break your fast?

Is it halal to drink Tesco fruit juices, specifically pineapple, due to the use of alcohol?

Is it halal to enter the houses of Thamud?

Should I go on Hajj despite undergoing tattoo removal treatment that may take up to five years?

Is it appropriate to wear a hifazat tawees despite people’s advice against relying on it?

Is slightly moist brick wall acceptable for ghusal tayamum or does it have to be stone dry/dusty?

What is the position of Sufism/Tasawwuf in Islam?

Permissible for women to use henna tattoos?