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Answers indexed from: Fatwa.ca

As a treasurer of mosque should I allocate zakat money for the mosque expenses

My wife found some money in her purse. Can she assume its hers?

Disposing interest money to poor. Is what we do correct?

Reciting Qur’an during menses

Istinja’, wudhu’ or ghusl with zamzam. Is it appropriate?

Vaginal discharge due to nervousness or anxiety

My husband divorced me whilst i was on my monthly period.. is that a valid divorce?

Talaq during pregnancy

If I come marry without my degree, then my wife is divorced

Female sitting in iddah due to khul’ leaving the house for different activities.

Would it be proper to make the intention for qadha fast at the time of sehri if one has not made niyat at night?

I kept some Shawwal fasts. Can I assume they were qadha for my Ramadhan?

How should we offer six fasts of shawwal; in a row? or can I take some gap in between? Also what its the virtue?

Could you give a basic guideline as to when does one need to make qadha’ only for a broken fast, and when does one need to give kaffarah along with the qadha’?

Is my fast broken with nasal spray? what should I do? Is there any Fidya?