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Answers indexed from: Darulifta Deoband Waqf

Does coronavirus transmit from one person to another according to Islam?

Can I offer some salaah after offering the witr?

What do the Ulama and Muftiyan kiram say about the following matter? Q. It is very common in our … give one third to any Madrasa? Md. Jibreel Nepali

Is shura without Ameer permissible?

I am getting waswasa about homosexuality. What to do?

Custody of children after khula?

I often see the same mosque in my dream. What does it mean?

What are the huquq of the Qur’an?

Is my mother mahram or non mahram to my step daughter’s husband?

Did Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi (rah) allow celebrating birthdays?

Salam, When the child is born, relatives and friends give the child money as a gift. So my … child’s Aqeeqa or to pay medical expeance of delivery?

Many people call themselves only Muslims, they say that it is only Muslim, not Shia or Sunni, … ج2، ص93) (مشکٰوت، باب الاعتصام، ص31) Plz clearify.

How should we use interest money?

Is there a provision for women to lead prayers or perform munajat under the leadership of a woman?

Can I give my bank interest money to my poor elder brother?