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Answers with Tag: Wudu

Will wiping stagnant blood off a wound break wudhu?

Wiping off a splash of urine with wet hands

Understanding Clear, Odourless Discharge: Mufti Saheb’s Explanation on Wudhu Breakage

Urine drops while performing saee

How much clear discharge nullifies wudhu?

Ghusal after hugging and touching one’s spouse

Is discharge from a female’s private part paak?

Making wudhu in the shower

Brownish discharge during pregnancy

Will a graze without flowing blood break wudhu?

Doing something while making wudhu

Performing the sunnah of Fajr after the fardh due to a gas problem

Ghusal karte waqt reeh khaarij hojana

Perceiving wetness after performing fardh ghusal

Wudhu after istibraa