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Answers with Tag: Wife

Cousins in a Repented Sexual Relationship: What’s Next?

Zaid’s Estate Distribution: One Daughter, One Spouse, 2 Brothers

Is Islam a violent religion?

Divorcing one’s wife due to her being involved with her ex fiance

Zakat Eligibility for Unemployed Daughter Living with Elderly Parents and Children

Spouses seeing each other unclothed

Understanding Spousal Conflict in Marriage

Husband commanding the wife to cut her hair

Marrying one’s adopted child

The Importance of Being Generous to Guests: A Lesson from the Prophet ‎ﷺ

Can a man with two wives truly give them equal time?

Women going to male doctors for treatment

Husband saying ‘you are divorcee’ while alone

Dad’s Remarriage Strains Relationship with Daughter: Who Fixes It?

Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam’s) first meeting with Jibreel (alaihis salaam)