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Answers with Tag: weather

Can we export the Holy Quran by sea or air cargo?

Is it possible for my friend’s marriage to be restored after a khula/talaq due to sifli ilm?

Is it required to recite Bismillah Allahu Akbar when slaughtering fish for it to be halal?

Is it permissible for a man to chat with a woman?

How is Sadaqah rewarded after death?

Is the meaning of my name ARQAM and my brother AKSAM incorrect?

Is this finance permissible under Islamic sharia or is it interest-based?

Can you provide a dua to help my 5 year old daughter with her acute allergy?

Is financing a car permissible in Islamic Shariah?

Is it permissible in Islam for an Imam to create a nuisance in a masjid?

Can ladies visit qabristan and read fateha for relatives?

Is a Muslim-Mehdvi Nikah valid in Islam?

Is it mentioned in the Quran how many times to pray and what the prayer times are?

Is there a reference to doing wudhu with cold water in cold weather earning more virtues?

Is Isha 10:56pm in North America during Summer?