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Answers with Tag: Wazifa

My husband is cheating me

Wazifa to solve all my problems

Dua for woman having trouble conceiving a child

Can you give me a duā to read for buying my own house?

Catching Jinns

Durood e Taj and Tunjjina

How to do a special ‘wazifa’?

How can i remove the Dua I made against someone?

Please give me a wazifa to read for getting married

Is there any Dua i may recite for financial difficulty?

I have to marry a guy against my choice

Wazifah and Jinns

Will the Sunnah of Miswaak be performed by using brush instead of Miswaak?

Can you suggest a dua or wazifa to help cure my stomach cancer and ulcer?

Can I recite Yaa Ghani and Yaa Mughni 1100 times after Isha prayers for love marriage?