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Answers with Tag: Ummah

Calling a scholar Mawlana

Could you please explain the difference between Ahad and Mutawatir Hadith? In particular, could you specify how many narrations make a Hadith Mutawatir? Also, are Ahad hadith taken into Aqidah or only Mutawatir?

I live in the city of Belfast and work in Portadown a town 27 miles away. I work shifts. One week from Monday to Friday I work from 7am till 3pm the next week I work from 3.pm till 11pm this then rotates weekly. The issue is I miss the prayer on the 7am to 3pm shift. I have a dispensation at work for praying in the plant but this does not go as far as leaving work to go to the Masjid. There is a Musalla near Portadown in which I pray Jumu’ah on the 3pm to 11pm just before I start my shift. There is a chance that I may be put on a 3 way shift which will mean another shift from 11pm to 7am which will mean I will miss the prayer every 3rd week instead of every 2nd. What should I do in this situation?

Is she is in her Hayd or in Istihada?

What is the interpretation of the following Ayah?

How does one practice Islam in outerspace?

Why is Talaaq issued in the state of anger taken into consideration?

What is the reason for the different number of Huroof and Aayaat in the Quran?

Can Prophet Muhammad(blessing and peace be upon him) make thing halal or haram by the permission of Allah? Or does prophet Muhammad(blessing and peace be upon him) have authority to make law?

Related to the older query, Sir Just tell me whether my duty (obligation of tawaf) is discharged or not, as I offered salat al Tawaf after Maghrib sunnah/nafl.

What is the status of the hadeeth (The diffrences of my ummah is a mercy .Or the diffrences of my companions is a mercy ) jazak Allah khair

I heard from somone when easa aliasalm came to earth at that time women allow to go haj alone is this right

Can expalin this saying for me please its a saying of sheikh albani in the taleeq of muktasar muslim by imam munziri (when isa as will decent he would not be following the torah nor the hanafi mazhab) ….

We recently had a discussion at work after jummah with fellow Muslim colleagues, the discussion was centered around ‘is rasoolallah PBUH alive?’ it started with the salami topic…..

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