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Answers with Tag: tirmidhi

What Is the Basis of Reciting the Qunut in the Fajr Prayer According to the Shafi’i School?

Could You Share Narrations Where the Prophet Likened Companions to Earlier Prophets?

My Mother-In-Law Is Not Sunni. How Should I Maintain Ties With Her?

“Two Groups… Have No Share in Islam: The Murjiya and Qadariya.” – What Is Meant by This Hadith?

Can I Marry My Wife’s Sister?

When Can I Say: “O Allah, You Are Pardoning and You Love Pardon, so Pardon Me.”?

I Want to Marry Someone With Excellent Character but Weakness in His Religion. What Should I Do?

My Father-In-Law Demands That We Move Into His Home. Are We Sinning by Refusing?

Is It Permissible to Marry Someone Pregnant?

I Am Married to a Non-Muslim Woman, Who Does Not Know I Am Muslim. Do I Stay in This Relationship?

What Are the Details Regarding the Sunna of Wearing a Ring for Men?

Is It Disliked to Lie Down on My Stomach?

Does the Sunna Entail Dressing as the People of the Land I Live In?

Should I Pray Tarawih Alone When It Is Performed Too Fast in My Mosque?

What Does True Contentment Entail?