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Answers with Tag: tawaf

Is it safe to stay at Mina for only three days due to ill-health?

Is there a penalty for the incomplete first umrah?

Can dad wear diapers during Hajj for medical reasons?

How can I make up for forgetting to perform Tawaf and Qasr in my dream Umrah?

Can I do Hajj with gas & wudhu issues during tawaf & namaz?

Is my Umrah valid if I got a cut while in ihram & bled, & did I need to do wudhu before tawaf?

Why did the Prophet Muhammad [SAW] kiss Hajar-e-Aswad (black stone)?

For those who are performing tawaf, what advice would you give if their wudhu breaks after several circles?

What Is the Wisdom Behind Reciting Aloud in Some Prayers?

Is It Permissible to Recite Supplications From a Book Moving Between Safa and Marwa? [Shafi’i]

Can I Perform a Voluntary Circumambulation (Tawaf) for Someone Else?

Delaying the sa’ee after tawaafuz ziyaarah

Performing Tawaaf-e-Wida in Haj after Tawaf-e-Ziyrah during Qurbani days: Possible?

Performing tawaaf and sa’ee on a wheelchair

Performing tawaaf on the upper level