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Answers with Tag: tawaf

Second Tawaf before Saee or shaving hair

Missed farewell Tawaf

Menstruating woman leaves without farewell Tawaf then returns

Is Tawaf Ziyarah permissible in menses

Intercourse before Umrah Tawaf

Farewell Tawaf for someone intending to stay in Makkah

Farewell Tawaf

Does menstruating woman need to enter Ihram when returning for Tawaf Ziyarah

Making the niyyat of ihraam before passing the miqaat

Not performing Tawaaful Widaa

Is Haram Entry Required for Farewell Tawaf and Sa’ee at Safaa and Marwa?

Kissing graves

Can a non-resident of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia enter Mecca without performing the Ihram?

Is it possible to perform Umrah or tawaf for a deceased person?

Maximizing Umrah in Madina & Makkah for 6 incl. deceased during last 10 days of Ramadan 2015?