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Answers with Tag: tarawih

Can tarawih prayer be performed with combined Maghrib & Isha during 15+ day travel in Ramadan?

Fasting mandatory during long tours? Tarawih required after?

Is it permissible to pray Isha and tarawih at home in a jamah while a mosque is nearby?

Tarawih Salah: Permissible for Women in Adjacent House or Basement?

Can azan be recited 1 min after actual time starts and still be valid?

What is the Islamic ruling on a woman performing Taraveeh salat alone at her house?

Can we take baths & switch rooms during Itikaf? Can others enter my room?

Can women pray tarawih separately behind the imam in masjid, per Shafi and Hanafi?

Can women pray in mosque with separate arrangements and purdah in basement, per Quran and Hadith?

What is the difference between Taraweeh salah and Tahjjud salah during Ramadan?

Can I Pray Sunnah Prayers Before Making up Obligatory Prayers? (Shafi’i)

How to Make up Years of Missed Prayers? (Shafi’i)

Is it Permissible for Women to Lead Each Other in Prayer? [Shafi’i School]

Can I Choose a Latecomer to Be My Imam When I Missed the Congregational Prayer With the Imam of the Mosque?

Am I a Disbeliever for Being Unable to Anwser Waswas Regarding My Belief in Allah?