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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Inshallah I will be going for umra in two months time. Can you please advise me on what ibadat i should try and engage in while in madina and makka. Also can you refer me to some books that will be of use. Jazakallah

We are small muslim community over here in having 2 mosques. Majority of muslims goes to big mosque run by arab brothers. They do friday prayers in arab style with one azan and no separate arabic khutbah.

1) What r the differences between deoband and nadwa?…. 2) And were some nadwis like maulana abulhasan ali nadwi associated with the deobandi maslik

Please inform me whether registering a company name is permissible. Once registered ,nobody has the right to use this name except myself. Also,what is the ruling regarding registering a product name under my name? After this,nobody can name their product with this name except myself.

I have a few questions that I would like to know the answers to in the light of quran and hadith.

Please provide answer regarding the correct way of doing

Is there such thing lucky or unlucky wife

1. What is the sunnah way of clipping hand and toe nails. 2. Is it ok for females to not cover their hair infront of their mehrems (father, brothers ) while inside the house. Because I have heard that the angels dont come to such a place where females are with uncovered heads.

I have seen in your reply that you said Wassalam in last. Is is ok to greets/reply incomplete? Many people write word Salam/AOA/Assalam and reply Wsalam, ws etc. What is the sunnaah please.

What do you say about Imam ibn Taymiyah?

I would like to know it is allow to ask our requirement to peer/wali/auliya who is in blessed grave, are they able to help us, if yes please dalil, if they are not able to help us why maulana qasim nanotvi saheb…

I got 1 durood sharif from a bayaan on a web-site,according to that bayaan if any muslim{ should have love for Allah and his prophet(p.b.u.h.)} keep reading that durood sharif he will soon see our prophet (p.b.u.h.) in his dream (insha allah).

I wanted to ask about Itikaf i.e under what category does it fall. Is it Sunnah, Sunnah-e-moekeda e.t.c. According to what i have been told it is Fard -e-Kafia

In my country,Bangladesh, we use to pray 4 rakat sunnah before jumma prayer (kablal jumma) and 4 rakat after ( ba’dal jumma ). When I visited Sudan, I found them performing nothing like these. Would you please tell me the status of these sunna

Please advise – due to time constraints at work is it accpetable to just read the fard salaah.