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Answers with Tag: sunan

Is it permissible for women to wear Niqāb and give Sadaqah in the state of Ihrām?

Could I accept Zakaat from my work place so that I may pay a credit card debt?

I m hanfi but my friend is ehlehadith(salfi) he says that raise the hands before & after RAKOO in namaz. He has proof of this in so much Hadith.

I had a discussion with a mirzae about his beliefs. He says that he believes that Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. is the last Prophet of ALLAH. His belief about mirza

I want to know about the “Namaz Qasar”. Shall we offer ” Sunnat ,Nafal and Witar ” when we are travelling.

When I was in the mosque in Montreal, one of the khetba was ended with a dua..One of the dua included to seek protection from the punishment of Hellfire, to Allah (SWT)

I would like to know about the different types of haj. When can a person perform those haj? What are their durations? I heard one can perfom the haj even in 5 days. Is it true? Please let me know. Jazakallah

In the endwordt of the 4th volume of Ileau us Sunan it states;…This is work is done because of; The knower of Allah, the remover of afflections, sahib of greats merits; my master Hakimu’l Ummah Asharaf Ali at Tahanawi (kuddisu sirruh)”….Who is the remover of afflections?

I would like to know is there any hadith or mention about people like us living in a world now days were so many haram things are now very common, people steal, killing, prostitution etc.

Is the use of surgical cautery allowed? it is almost universally used by surgeons to gain access to various parts of the body during surgery. ..

In overflowing tears, Imam Ali (may Allah have mercy upon him) approached the Prophet (pbuh) until he was an arms length away. ….Is this story authentic?

The Hadith states that the Prophet (PBUH) said we should or must do Da’wah to forty houses in each direction of the house we occupy.

Is there any narration in Bukhari or other hadith book that nabi (sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) prayed 12 rakaats of Tahajjud without Witr?

Can you please let me know how to pronounce ASHAZ in urdu. and let me know in which book i can find Hadith on a sahabi By this Name.

My question is with regards to a dua for protection