Home » Posts tagged 'Suhoor' (Page 5)

Answers with Tag: Suhoor

Fasting Without Sehri

Can we fast without eating anything? Will a glass of water do?

Time for Intention when Fasting

Can he fast in Ramadhan due to his illness?

Making Intention After the Suhur Time?

Breaking voluntary fasts when one didn’t wake up for suhur

Is eating suhoor (predawn meal), enough to take the place of the intention to fast?

Diet pills during Ramadan

Accidentally Breaking the Fast and When to Make the Intention to Fast

Is it mandatory to have a sleep between Isha and Tahajjud Salah?

Can one use outside facilities during Itikaf?

What do the four dreams you mentioned mean?

Can fasting be valid if intercourse occurred before sehri and one woke after sehri but bathed before fajr qazaa?

Is masturbation invalidating Ramadan fast?

Did Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) recite the duaas 1-4 when fasting?