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Answers with Tag: study

Chartered Accountants

Designer Babies/Mitochondrial Replacement – Is it permissible?

Using unauthorised ebooks and copied books

Using material obtained from Copyright Infringement

Is it permissible to take out the loan knowing that one will be able to pay it back fully before any interest is due from the student?

Is it permissible to take a student loan in which the government pays the interest money during the course?

I want to know if we can give our kids stuffed toys which are imaginary animals

Is HECS permissible?

Does deodorant spray going through throat break fast?

Simplicity and contentment

Studying a Personal Training Book with Female Workout Models: How to Handle It?

Living with Waswasas: My Struggle with Intrusive Thoughts

The importance of niqaab

Using Zakaat money to publish and distribute Qur’ans to non-Muslims

Going to Madina University to study