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Answers with Tag: Shariah

Can haram money be used in Islamic Jalsa or other Islamic activities?

Invalid marriage without physical contact for 5 yrs & no maintenance payments?” (79 characters)

Can online nikah be done if groom can’t travel & relatives be ‘Wakeel’?

Can boy and girl marry without witnesses under Islamic law?

Can women pray tarawih separately behind the imam in masjid, per Shafi and Hanafi?

Is it permissible to give the same speech in 3 Masjids within 2km of each other?

Is celebrating 15th Shaban a bida’h according to Ibn Baz?

Is it okay to defend my mother and “Khala” from my uncles’ words?

What is the ruling on providing support services for trading in stocks?

Did I make a mistake by not fulfilling my father’s wish to be buried in Mumbai?

Can Sunni Muslim-supplied mutton/chicken from IRANI Hotel be eaten?

Should the 100 rupees be divided equally among Hasan’s 6 sons and Usman’s 3 sons?

What does my dream mean?

Is the third talaq given by my husband in extreme anger considered valid?

What is the religious importance of Niaz & Zikr Rifai & what blessings do they bring?